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Pregnancy safe exercise routine: What are some low-impact workouts and stretches that expecting mothers can do to stay active and healthy throughout their pregnancy?

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As an expectant mother in my second trimester, I′m looking for a pregnancy-safe workout plan that will help me maintain my physical fitness while being gentle on my body. Can anyone recommend specific low-impact exercises, such as swimming, yoga, or pilates routines, along with any recommended modifications to accommodate my changing body? Also, what precautions should I take when starting a new exercise program during pregnancy? Thank you!

Asked in Pregnancy & Parenting - 335 days ago

Tags: Pregnancy safe exercise routine: What some low-impact workouts stretches that expecting mothers stay active healthy throughout their pregnancy

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Walks or jogging on uneven terrain (sidewalks, gravel paths): Gradually increase the distance as your body gets stronger. Ensure there′s no traffic nearby and wear comfortable shoes with good ankle support.

Yoga poses for flexibility and strength: Start with gentle yoga routines focused on balance, stability, and alignment. As your pregnancy progresses, incorporate more challenging poses like downward dog, warrior II, and child’s pose. Remember to engage in deep breathing before starting each new pose.

Hamstring stretch: Stand tall, kneel slightly, and place one foot behind the other so that they touch your hip joints. Bring your heels together while keeping your back straight; hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side. This helps improve circulation and muscle tone around your hamstrings.

Quad stretch: Lie flat on your back, grab one end of a rope or band at your calf, and lean forward until you feel a stretch in your quads. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds then release. Do not pull too hard – aim to maintain full range of motion. Try doing this on both legs.

Wall sits/Russian twists: Sitting against a wall with feet flat on floor or on a bench, lift your arms above head level while maintaining perfect spine alignment. Gently rock backward and forward without letting elbows hit sides, just keep them close to torso. Incorporating Russian twist variations by rotating your pelvis will provide further stretch and engagement to core muscles.

Stomach stretches: While lying face up, lie on your right arm and lean into it. Bend your left knee over your right thigh and press your buttocks onto the ground. Allow your belly button to rest on your leg for five minutes, focusing on deep relaxation. Swap sides to repeat.

Arm circles and wrist rolls: Place hands palm facing each other under your chest while sitting or standing. Perform slow circular movements around each other using only your upper arms. To add resistance, use elastic bands wrapped around your wrists.

High knees: Stand tall, put your feet about shoulder width apart, and step back with one foot. Take a large breath in through your nose, pause, and exhale fully by bringing your knee up towards your chest. Pause again, lower your knee toward the ground, and take another deep breath. Continue alternately between high knees on each leg.

Swimming: If possible, find a local public pool or join a swim class near your home. Practice short distances such as laps, burpees, and kickboxing exercises with water available. Make sure to listen to your bodies and gradually increase intensity based on your comfort levels.

Aquatic drills: Join online communities dedicated to learning how to perform aquatic exercises specifically designed for beginners. Watch tutorials, practice individual skills, and participate in group classes when available.

Answered by daewalkerz at Mar 27, 2024 03:19 AM

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